Where the Wild Things Are


Aaaah I completely forgot to post this. But hey better late than never..? Hahah sorry bout the delay.

As I’ve been growing older but not up, I’ve always wondered where the wild things are. After reading the classic children’s book by Maurice Sendak, I’m fairly certain I’m not the only one who’s wondered where these creatures live. Well, I think it’s safe to say that I’ve found them in Key West. Oh have we seen some people. I’m not gonna go into much detail for everyone’s sake but if you’ve ever been to Key West I’ll leave it at your typical Key Wester. As we mentioned in our family blog we saw some hilarious situations. My favorite being a cruise ship passenger tasting some soap and the reactions that followed. I also love all of the diversity of everything here. All of the artwork, animals, people, and food have their own special differences that make this place so interesting. Oh oh oh! Being a parrothead, it’s only right to visit the original Margaritaville and Captain Tony’s. Fins up!

If we go way back to getting here from Naples hahaha. That morning was full of lots of circles with only one engine working. Now, if we go waaaaaaay back to when I was three, four, five, six, and maaaaybe even seven Sesame Street was the best thing. And we all know that Grover is the coolest character on the show (Cookie Monster is a close second, don’t worry). One song that will stick with me forever and ever is Grover’s around, around, around, around, over, and under, and throoooooough. Okay so back to the circling around a boat hook. Teheheheeee my inner Sesame Street came out.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XKu3NE7Omkw

Wowie. So much has happened since October 9th. However, I feel that this trip is just beginning. This is it folks, haha this is where the story of the islands really begins. And the United States novel is coming to a close. I think it’s pretty safe to say that we end on a happily ever after. ✨

Cya friendos,
Heidi ‍