Hi everyone! This is Lucy. Sorry I haven’t posted recently. I will try and post more often!
The ABC’s were nice. In Bonaire I had a lot of fun when we rented a pickup truck with another boat family and went around the national park. We each had turns riding in the back! We stopped at multiple snorkeling sites and there attractions such as flamingos! We also went to a cultural fest and saw people did the local dance. Overall Bonaire was a ton of fun!

Last passage was a nice one. As Fenton said on the other post we caught some fish! I reeled 2 fish in. One Mahi and one blue runner. Sally and Dad also caught 3 more fish but we only kept one which was a mahi-mahi. The shift Heidi and I had went from 7-10 pm. It was nice but still a bit tiring.
We got to Santa Marta three days ago and so far it has been a blast. There is a lot of buzz on the street. The other night we were walking through town and there were multiple groups of people who would do like break dancing and acrobatics mixed together. It was amazing how flexible and strong theses people were. It was so cool! I will post a video of that below.
There also is super good food here. We went out for hamburgers the other night and they were so good! They have awesome lunch with pork, rice, lentils, coleslaw, and yucca. Also this morning we got empanadas from the venders. They were amazing and only cost about $0.50 each. Or, in the Columbian currency, 1,500 pesos each. There are multiple fruit and vegetable venders out on the street as well. The food here is amazing!
Everyone in Santa Marta is super nice and helpful. They help us with Spanish and teach us new words. People who know a little English say, “Hello,” or “how are you?” It is fun as well as challenging to be in a country that speaks a different language. I think that it is great that the locals want tp help you learn there language. It is really inspiring that lot of people are kind and want you to love their country and culture.
The music in Santa Marta is also fun… It is much different from Grenadian soca which we got used to. It is kind of like Mexican music. I will post some music below! I posted the URL to some music that sounded like some I heard!
Soca from Grenada
Columbian instrumental Music
I am super excited to continue to explore Columbia! I will keep you posted on adventures to come!
Sigue sonriendo (keep smiling)💕
The one and only