Hey everyone! Yesterday we arrived in Colombia after stopping by Curaçao and Aruba on our way out of Bonaire. While I enjoyed both the C and A of the ABC’s, Bonaire’s diving and atmosphere made it the top letter in my opinion. In fairness to the other two, we spent a lot more time in Bonaire. All three islands are highly worth a visit in my opinion. Just make sure to go with your parents if you’re under 18 and headed to Curaçao.
Our passage was quite smooth. We caught a few fish (I’m sure my other boat mates would be able to tell you much better than I) and had some excellent stargazing. Sally and I agreed to take the hard night shift, from 10:00pm to 1:00am, so our stars weren’t quite as spectacular as our less hardy 7:00pm to 10:00pm compatriots, but nevertheless we all had an enjoyable experience looking up at the sky. We also had a few dolphins swimming in front of our bow for a little bit (which I’m told is very normal. How cool is that?) that were only notable for the fact that they were quite large. Regardless, our passage was smooth and if anything, a bit boring. (Which is just what you want in a passage.)
Colombia is a pretty gorgeous country based on what I’ve seen of it so far. The people of Santa Marta have all been friendly to me and earlier today I witnessed some of the best dancing I’ve ever seen in my life. While walking around downtown, we saw a group of local break dancers who bent in ways that should not be humanly possible.

I also had a blue cheese and bacon burger, which, while not particularly Colombian, tasted delicious. I honestly don’t know the last time I had bacon. That meal, combined with WiFi and showers from the marina make Colombia seem like paradise. Something I never noticed was how different people get when they have constant internet access versus not. A part of me preferred not having to worry about life back in the States and the rest of the world, but then again, I do love cat videos.
It is also with great pleasure that I announce we are eagerly working on a brand new YouTube channel to better show our lives aboard SV Love & Luck. I hope everybody is looking forward to new content as we explore this new method of sharing our adventures. Stay tuned to our blog to see more information about our channel as we get closer to releasing it and videos to the public. In the meantime, keep viewing, commenting, and sharing on our blog. We love to hear from everybody and would love to keep growing. Until next time!