Hey friendos! I recently realized how much time has passed since I last wrote. I’m not gonna make this too long because everyone else has been doing a fantastic job explaining our adventures so far. In addition to flying off swings, getting extremely scared by fish, and school work, we have had a blast. It’s hard to believe that it’s only been two weeks with these crazy people. There was one night in Ottawa where after a nice day of rain and exploring the town we went grocery shopping and I realized how crazy we really are. To most this is a pretty simple task, get in the car, drive to store, buy good food, put food in car, drive home. Right? Well, when you don’t have a car it gets a lil more exciting. We walked to the store, with our rain gear on. And rain gear is not only a rain jacket. Oh no haha we are covered head to toe in rain gear. So the family in the rain pants and coats makes it to the store. We find and purchase food like normal and then we start walking home. With all of our groceries in hand. It’s a relatively short walk but with all of our food it seems a little longer. As we began crossing the park nearest to the boat, mom had the wonderful idea of a lil arm workout. 1, 2, 3, LIFT! 10 more secondssss. Hold! Urgggggg. You got this! So here we are, a family of five walking through a park, lifting grocery bags above our head. Quite the sight. We are that family now, and we love it.

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.” -Jimmy Buffett

Till next time,


2 Replies to “”

  1. Hi Heidi…..love reading your story about your grocery shopping trip! Only a Mom would think of incorporating arm lifts while carrying bags! I would have loved seeing all of you in rain ☔️ gear following each other to the store. I hope you all are keeping warm. Keep writing….love hearing from you! Aunt Margie

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