Hi everyone! This is Lucy. I hope that you are staying happy and healthy, and having a great day! I wrote this post awhile ago, but I haven’t got to posting it until today. (Better late then never, right!)
I am going to tell you about the past few days that we have spent here in San Marcos. I noticed a few things right away when we got here. The water was nice and refreshing and if you stayed in long enough, it could maybe even be a little cold. So, we liked this place right away! There were also lots of small sea caves and little beaches.

We all decided to go check out the sea cave. We got the kayak down, Sally, Heidi, and I all piled into it. Which is much easier said than done. We kayaked to the cave and we were greeted by the smell of bird poop and darkness. Other than that, was nice and much cooler. We looked around in there a little bit then left. We paddled around to one of the beaches and we found a lot of ray skeletons. Which was sad, but it looked like they ate them. the next beach that we went to we found three starfish skeletons which were really pretty. We paddled through lots of little passages and saw lots of really brightly colored crabs. The next beach we found a baby hammerhead shark head. I don’t know what it is with us and shark heads,the next day we found 4 more baby shark heads on the beach too. We went to show off our findings to the other boats and then went back for a laid back afternoon. An hour in the sun here really tires you out.
The next day we woke up with lots of bees. We were getting swarmed by them, and we had our doors and hatches closed to keep them out. But they managed to come through. We found out that they were coming through a screened window that had part of the screen undone. We got so desperate that we made an exit only sign, English and Spanish, but they did not seem to either care, or know how to read. ; )

We started heading out to North Anchorage, hoping to shake some of the bees off. Our friends from Arena went there the day before and said the caves were really cool. We decided to take our boat over and meet Arena and Utopia on their dinghies to explore the caves they went to the other day. The new anchorage was beautiful. There were lots of caves, a pretty rock beach, and the water was very clear. Also- no bees yet!
Heidi and I went to put down the dinghy so we could go with the others to explore the cave. Heidi went in to pump it up after we dropped it down. I looked again at the dinghy and Heidi, and realized that it was floating away! The dinghy for some reason was not tied on. Of course, the engine would not start then. (Don’t worry, it was still relatively close to the boat.) Mom came to the rescue and swam out to it and pulled it back to the boat. As soon as I grabbed on to the line, the engine finally decided to work. This new place was already bringing lots of excitement!
We packed our snorkels, masks, water, sunscreen, and a few pairs of shoes on to the dinghy. Willie was very happy to come along as we went over to the cave where Arena and Utopia were at.
This was one of the caves you could swim through. I jumped off of our dinghy and looked in the water. There were lots of little colorful fish which were really cool looking. I also immediately say tons of sea stars. I looked into the darkness of the Sea cave and watched as some in our group, Willie included started going through.
I went in and I was surprised how dark it got in the middle. It was about half way through and looking at all the rest of the cave before I even put my head in the water. It was a good thing I did! Right in front of me there was a huge rock that was very shallow.
The light to the end of the cave came up and then we were out of it and ready to snorkel the rocks outside of it. While the rest of us looked and snorkled outside of the cave Wille wanted to keep on going through the cave. For the time we were there, he went through it four or five times!
Once we were done with exploring that cave, we went to another rock beach that also had good snorkeling.We stayed there for a while, hung out with friends, enjoyed the cool rocks, and saw lots more sea stars.
We went back to the boat that afternoon pretty tired, (Willie was absolutely exhausted) but it was a great day and we saw lots of cool things.