A Family Sailing Adventure
It was a beautiful day outside, blue skies and the water was glisenting. We just finished tubing (about that later) and we where going to go to the windsurfing place.
We got there and saw lots of sails and boards. We were met by Izzy Mike at a beautiful house. They were both super nice and we where going to try a little bit of windsurfing. We had a good short lesson and that night we decided to stay another day where we could get lessons by Gerd the windsurfing instructor.
We came the next day, we finished school quick then went for a good day of windsurfing.
Sally was given a smaller sail so that she could pick it up and I had a sail on a trainer board.
Sally was super good and natural at windsurfing and you could tell she was getting it easily.
On the other hand I was moving all over the place and after lots of attempts of getting on and doing the sail, I had one or two runs. We all had so much fun that we decided to stay yet another. Then another day.
We learned how to stand up and then turn, and stand up and perpendicular when I am windsurfing are now glued in my head.
The next day was super windy. I tried going on the windsurfer for a little while and the wind was too strong. I kept on trying to get a good run but I only got a few in. Its got windier so I stopped windsurfing. Izzy invited us to bead with her and we had lots of fun doing it. Izzy is 18, super nice, and has been windsurfing and spending vacation their since she was 5. We did lots of necklace, rings, and bracelets. Later I was outside and Gerd suggest that I go on Sally’s board. Her sail was smaller but the board was a lot less stable.
The first few times, then I was getting up the sail, I leaned the same as I would on the bigger sail that I had been using, and I fell of very quick. I had some good runs but mostly I tipped over. From then on I decided to use the bigger sail and the more sturdy board.
The first time I turned successfully. Well, first things first, it took a while. For Naturals like Heidi and Sally, it took like 10 minutes. Haha, not for me. After a couple of days I was able to turn and have one or two good runs. It was a nice day with little wind compared to the other days. I started getting the sail up.
“Perpendicular” Gerd said.
I finished getting the sail up. Then did the rest of the beginning routine. I pushed my front hand forward and then I started going.
“Remember loose hands.” Greg called.
I let my grip relax. Just then a wave came by.
“Don’t move!” Greg called.
Unlike all the other times when he said that I somehow didn’t move. Normally as soon as he said that I moved by accident and Greg said, “You moved.”
Anyway surprising myself I ended up being able to do a turn right as Heidi was telling me the rope was ending.
I got back on the windsurfing and decided that I would end on the one for the day.
On the last day there we went on a nature walk. Toni was super nice and brought us on an amazing hike and taught us about all of the different plants and flowers. It was a beautiful view from the rocks. We even ate some cactus peppers that were bright pink and tasted kind of like strawberries. We went for two or three hours enjoying the view and lots of amazing blow holes. We did school after that and then did more windsurfing that afternoon. We all had lots of fun and were all very sad to say our good-byes later.
It was a nice day in Puerto Rico blue skies and a bright sun. We had just gotten to Gilligan’s Island. We did school quick so we could play in the water.
We where asking abut dragging our paddle board behind our dinghy. Then we thought of an even better idea. We had a dragging tube. It was a little after one o’clock when we first started. Some of us got into the dingy. Sally wanted to be the first one so she flopped on in to the big tube. We went super fast and left and right zig zagging. Surprisingly, Sally stayed on the whole time. We took lots of pictures and videos.
Then after about 5 minutes, it was my turn.
I flopped in and finally got into the tube after several times. The ocean water was bumping me up and down.
“Are you ready?” Dad asked.
“Yep!” I replied giving them a thumbs up.
I was a little nervous.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! I screamed.
I darted as the water skimmed the tube until I was up on a plane. The water was rushing on either side of me.
Few, I thought, this isn’s as hard as it seems.
The tube suddenly jerked as the dinghy did a sharp turn.
I almost fell in. I was literally standing on the water my hand holding on to the straps.
I sped up again but I was still hanging off of the tube.
Welll, then I figured out that if you are hanging off you go about two times faster.
I am so surprised I haven’t fell off ye…..tttttttt AhHHHHHH.
We did another sharp turn and I went flying off the tube.
I felt myself go downward fast and then the dinghy stopped.
“Are you OK?” Sally shouted back at me.
“Yeah!” I shouted back swimming towards the boat.
After a couple times I made it back into the tube and we started again.
It was as fun was the first time and after a while it was Heidi’s turn.
We had lots of fun!
bye till next time
the one and only